8 Signs You Are Breaking Free from Self-Abandonment
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

8 Signs You Are Breaking Free from Self-Abandonment

Self-abandonment becomes a way for us to “survive”. Often messages throughout our childhood have led to many of the behaviors we engage in today, however we’re often unaware of these patterns because it’s been all we know. We pour our energy into other people, trust the outside world and others’ opinions more than our own inner voice, stay silent to keep the peace, and push ourselves harder and harder to feel like we’re enough. It’s exhausting, unfulfilling, and leaves us feeling empty in our lives.

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The Hidden Signs and Cost of Self-Abandonment
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

The Hidden Signs and Cost of Self-Abandonment

The patterns I lived with became so familiar, I didn’t realize the cost. With it became a disconnection within myself in which I didn’t know what brought me joy or how to fully feel it. I was too busy tuning into other’s emotions. I didn’t know how to trust myself as I became reliant on the external world to define me and dictate my decisions.

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Why We Hold Fear and Anxiety in Our Chest and Shoulders--And Ways To Release It
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

Why We Hold Fear and Anxiety in Our Chest and Shoulders--And Ways To Release It

You worked all day and you cannot seem to turn your mind off. All the stress, fear, and anxiety of all that needs to be done or things that did not go well pile up in your mind and now suddenly your neck and chest feel painful. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this is a common experience for many going through the daily grind of life, but why does this happen and how can you prevent it and/or treat it?

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Habits That Can Significantly Improve Your Daily Life
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

Habits That Can Significantly Improve Your Daily Life

You are a culmination of the habits you keep. Anything you do consistently has a profound ability to rewire your brain and transform your mind and body. Understanding the brain is always adaptable through neuroplasticity is essential for knowing that it is always possible to change your current life experience.

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Are You Caring for Yourself or Avoiding Yourself?
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

Are You Caring for Yourself or Avoiding Yourself?

You see it everywhere. Articles, reels, and videos telling you how to incorporate self-care into your daily routine and countless examples of things to do. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge advocate for self-care, but before you jump into all the things you “should” be doing, it’s important to take a deeper look into all those recommendations. Are you engaging in self-care or self-avoidance?

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7 Subtle Signs You May Be Abandoning Yourself
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

7 Subtle Signs You May Be Abandoning Yourself

I never took a moment to pause and ask myself: “Am I happy?” and “Am I getting what I need out of life?” When is the last time you asked yourself those questions? If you haven’t, it’s more likely you may also be suppressing your needs and abandoning yourself.

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What is the Purpose of Breathing Exercises?
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

What is the Purpose of Breathing Exercises?

Breathing is a natural body function that is often just running in the background of your day. So why is there so much hype around performing breathing exercises? Conscious awareness of breath and intentionally altering the patterns of your breath have profound effects on decreasing muscular tension, improving sleep, decreasing stress levels, and improving clarity of thought.

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Four Daily Practices to Help You Through Hard Times
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

Four Daily Practices to Help You Through Hard Times

It took me years to realize this, but as much as we would like to think life will eventually let up on us and “one day” things will calm down, they don't. I can't tell you how much time and energy I wasted trying to control everything happening around me in hopes to prevent all the things I worried about from coming true.

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Morning Habits for a Healthier Brain
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

Morning Habits for a Healthier Brain

There are so many life stressors that impact clarity of thought, focus, memory, alertness, and overall function of our brains. Having the right routine in place is essential to optimize your brain health and thrive in life. Here are the top five habits you should integrate into your daily routine for better brain health.

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The Science of Sleep: Tips to Help You Drift Off
Kelly Kessler Kelly Kessler

The Science of Sleep: Tips to Help You Drift Off

There's nothing quite as aggravating when you lay down in your bed after a long day and can't seem to fall asleep. Many people struggle with this on a daily basis and the compounding effects of it can be debilitating. While there are many tools to use around the time you go to bed, did you know that what you do throughout the day also contributes to how well you are able to fall asleep?

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