182. Alchemy: How to Transform Your Life Through Ancient Wisdom Featuring Michelle Hawk

Unlock the secrets of alchemy and discover how ancient wisdom can lead to profound personal transformation. In this enlightening episode, we delve into timeless teachings that have shaped civilizations and continue to offer powerful insights today. Learn how to incorporate these age-old principles into your modern life to foster growth, balance, understanding and fulfillment.

Michelle Hawk began practicing Shamanism in 2003 at age 15. Her lineages come from Hungarian and Celtic shamanism. A naturally gifted psychic and intuitive channel, Michelle’s work with Alchemy, Shamanic energies, and multiple certifications as a Master Healer allow her to offer the deepest level of transformational work. She mentors and trains practitioners in Alchemy, Shamanism and the healing arts, and helps people master their intuitive gifts and magical birthright. As a Shaman, biologist and passionate naturalist, her practice is rooted in deep reverence for life and the wisdom of Gaia, scientific principles of ecology and environmentalism, and genuine appreciation and enthusiasm for nature.


184. Emotional Brain Training: How to Rewire Emotional Circuits Featuring Laurel Mellin, PhD


181. The Hidden Signs and Cost of Self-Abandonment